User Privacy Agreement

    This agreement applies only to INVT products or services including the INVT cloud IOT application.

    Updated date: March 20, 2024

Effective date: March 20, .2024


    This agreement will help you understand the following:

    How we collect your personal information

    How we use your personal information

    How we store your personal information

    How we delegateentrust the processing, sharingshare, transfer, and publiclypublic disclosure disclose of your personal information

    How do you manage your personal information

    Information protection for minors

    Third-party technology and services

    Cross-border transportation of personal information

    Update of this Privacy Agreement

How to contact us


    Dear user user, welcome to use the products provided by Shenzhen InventecINVT INVT Electric Co., Ltd. (registered address: Room 501, Building A7, Nanshan Wisdom Smart Park, No.1001 Xueyuan Avenue Changyuan Community, Taoyuan Street,  Nanshan District, Shenzhen Shenzhen, China, , postcode: S18052). As the developer and operator of the InventecINVT  IOTCloud application (collectively referred to as ''AppPP''), we are fully aware of the importance of personal information to you and are committed to protecting and respecting your privacy.

To protect your relevant rights rights, please carefully read and , fully understand and agree with the terms of this Pprivacy policy Policy before using this the app. , especially the clauses that exempt or restrict liability. The above terms may be highlighted in bold to draw your attention. Unless you have read and accepted all the terms of this privacy Privacy policyPolicy, you are not entitled to all the featurefunctions provided by this appApp.


I. How do we collect your personal information

When you use our products, we collect only the personal information necessary to fulfill the functions of the products in accordance with the requirements of laws and regulations and the principles of lawfulness, legitimacy, necessity, and good faith, and will only collect and use your personal information within the scope of the purposes described in this Agreement. You are not required to provide us with personal information, but in some cases, if you choose not to do so, we may not be able to provide you with the relevant products or services, or respond to or resolve problems you encounter.When you use our products we follow the principles of legality legitimacy necessity, and integrity in accordance with the requirements of laws and regulations. We only collect personal information necessary to achieve product functionality and we only collect and use your personal information within the scope of the purposes described in this agreement. You are not required to provide us with personal information but in some cases if you choose not to provide it we may not be able to provide you with related products or services nor can we respond or solve the problems you encounter.

In the process of providing you with relevant products or services. , we may also collect and summarize statistical data such as traffic volume and application downloads to understand how users use our products and services.





l1. . Personal information you provide to us

When you first register and log in to your APPpp account , you are required to provide us with information information, including but not limited to your name, country, region, email email address, and phone number in order to complete account registration. The above information is necessary for you to use the APPpp. If you do not provide such information, you will not be able to use the APPpp's services properly.


2. Personal information we obtain when providing services to you

2.1 Equipment information

Based on your device model and permission granted during the installation and use of this appApp, we may collect information about your device device, such as device model, unique device identifier, operating system, software version, network status, IP, address, timestamp, time  Zonezone, telecommunications operator, and other informationetc.


2.2 Location information

When you use location-related services such as positioning and scanning code to power on , we will collect your location information and provide such services based on your location. When you turn on the device positioning function and use it for some purposes such as scanning code to power on, we may collect and use your location information or your device location information. Please note that you can turn off the positioning service of this product on the device, but but once you turn off the positioning service we will stop collecting your location information once you turn off the positioning service, and you may not be able to use the services we provide for you based on geographical location.


2.3 Log information

When you use our products, you know and authorize us to automatically collect details of your use of our services and save them as relevant network logs. , including but not limited to your IP address. , browser type. , language used, access date and time of access, connection status , operation records, remote upgrade records, and your request records.


2.4 Equipment call information

You agree that we may call some of your device permissions based on the different fumctions functions you use. The following table shows Below are the corresponding functionsfunction and purpose for whichof calling permissions are called the purpose of calling permissions, and the circumstances in under which we ask youask for permissions before calling them permissions. You can choose to tum off some or all permissions in the settings function of your device to refuse permission calls, but once you turn off the relevant permissions we may not be able to provide you with the corresponding services once you turn off the relevant permissions.




Whether to ask to open


Camera permissions

Used for to scan ning the barcode of the IoT module to add equipment



Bluetooth permissions

Used to connect and pair the phone with the module via Bluetooth



Location permissions

Obtain the current location based on positioning



Storage space permissions

Used for to storing store and accessing files (such as use agreements, privacy agreements, product manuals, etc.



3. Information from Tthird-party Ssources

Where permitted by local laws, we may also obtain additional information about you, your device or your use of the service from publicly available or commercially legal sources. . Fsuch asor example, when you log into our products using a third party social networking account. , or when another individual uses our communication services and uploads your contact information.


II. How do we use your personal information

We will strictly abide by the provisions of laws and regulations and the decisions of users, and use the collected information in accordance with this privacy Privacy policy Policy for the following purposes:

(1) Register a product account to activate the product and its services;.

(2) Mmanage and improve the content of the APPpp and services, and enhance your experience;.

(3) Sending information about the APPpp and services,  including sending you information about our service policies, changes to terms, as well as news, announcements, information, AppPP updates and installation notifications related to us;.

(4) analyzingAnalyze, summarizingsummarize, usinguse, and studying data;.

(5) OperatingOperate, evaluatingevaluate, developingdevelop, managing manage and improving improve our services (including, operating, managing, analyzing and improving our apps and services, managing and evaluating the effectiveness of our communications, etc.);.).

(6) To eEnforce this privacy Privacy policyPolicy, user agreement, and any other terms you agree to;.

(7) Maintain and enhance the security of the APPpps and services to prevent abuse;.

(8) Comply with and enforce legal requirements requirements, relevant industry standards, and policies in China;.

(9) Maintain and service accounts, provide customer service, verify customer information, and process and complete payments and transactions on the app App and through the service;.

(10) Remember your information based on your choice to avoid re-entering it;.

(11) Analyze equipment malfunctions and safety risks to improve equipment performance and user experience;.

(12) Other purposes necessary for managing and enhancing the APPpps and services or disclosed in this agreementAgreement;.


III. How do we store your personal information

We have used industry-standard safety protection measuresecurity measures to protect the personal information you provide to prevent unauthorized access, disclosure, use, modification, damage, or loss of data. We will store your personal information according to the retention period specified by relevant laws and regulations. If laws and regulations stipulate different retention periods for the same type of personal information, we will store it for the longest retention period,. unless otherwise mandated by laws and regulations. If there is no clear stipulation in relevant laws and regulations, we will store your personal information for the period necessary to achieve the processing purpose. We will store your personal information for three years. , calculated from the date you terminate using this application service. We will judge the storage period of personal information based on factors such as risk control, security guarantees, business management, national and industry standards.


IV. How do we delegateentrust the processing, sharingshare, transfer and publicly disclosure disclose of your personal information

1.     1.DelegateEntrustment processing

For certain specific modules or functions in the business functions of this product, we may entrust other companies to assist us in providing customer support and processing your personal information, such as companies that handle hotlines, send emails, and provide technical support. These companies can only use your personal information to provide you with product services.;

We will sign strict personal information processing and confidentiality terms with the entrusted party. The entrusted party is obliged to process relevant personal information in accordance with this agreement Agreement and our instructions. and take relevant confidentiality and security measures to protect personal information security.


2. Sharing

Sharing refers toindicates that we provide the provision of personal information to other personal information processors, with and both parties independently determining decide the purpose and method of processing in their respective personal information processing activities. Generally, we will not share your personal information externally except in the following circumstances:

l. Sharing with consent: Upon obtaining your consent, we will share information within your authorization scope with third parties you have designated;.

2. Sharing under legal circumstances: We may share your personal information externally in accordance with laws and regulations, the need to resolve litigation disputes, or as required by administrative and judicial authorities in accordance with the law;.

3. Sharing with our affiliates: Your information may be shared within our affiliates. We will only share your information within our affiliates for specific, clear and legitimate purposes, and will only share information necessary to provide services. For example, when registering our account, in order to avoid duplicate registrations, we need to perform a global uniqueness verification on the account to be registered;.

4. Sharing with business partners: We may share your account information, device information and location information with third parties such as partners to ensure the smooth completion of the services provided to you. However, we will only share your personal information for legitimate, justified, necessary, specific, and clear purposes, and will only share the personal information necessary to provide services services. Our partners include:

1) Third-party sellers and third-party developers: Certain products or services are provided directly to you by third parties, and we must share transaction-related information with them to fulfill your purchase request for goods or services.

2) Suppliers of goods or technical services: We may share your personal information with third parties who support our functions, including technical support. The purpose of sharing this information is to implement the functions of products and services;

We will conduct security assessments on the sharing behavior and recipients of personal information, and sign relevant data protection and confidentiality agreements with recipients, requiring them to handle personal information in accordance with this statement and take relevant confidentiality and security measures.


3. Transfer

When it comes to mergers, divisions, dissolutions, acquisitions or bankruptcy, if personal information transfer is involved, we will require the recipient to continue to handle your personal information in accordance with this agreementAgreement, otherwise we will require the recipient to organize a new consent from you.


4. Public disclosure

We will only publicly provide your personal information in the following circumstances:

a. With your consent.

b. Publicly available based on legal or reasonable grounds: We may publicly provide your information if required by law. , legal procedures. , litigation or public, and government authorities.


V. How do you manage your personal information

l. Right to access, correct, supplement and delete etc. personal information

The legislation of some countries/regions stipulates the rights of personal information subjects to access, correct, supplement, delete, and restrict the processing of personal information, etc. According to the requirements of local laws,  personal information subjects or their agents may submit requests to us to exercise the above-mentioned rights of personal information subjects (hereinafter collectively referred to as “requestsRequests”).

(1)   Ways and channels for making requests

Personal information subject requestsThe request for personal information  must be made in writing writing. Even if the requester does not specify the regulations on which the request is based. , the request is still valid. Generally speaking, oral requests for access are not valid. If the local country’s legislation also recognizes the validity of oral requests, we will follow such regulations.

Personal information subject requests can be made through the official website and APPpp customer service of InventecINVT, aiming to protect the legitimate interests of personal information subjects and ensure the normal operation of inventecINVT, preventing the unauthorized use or abuse of personal information request rights by others.

(2)   Validity of the request

Most laws require personal information subjects to follow specific requirements when making requests. This agreement Agreement requires personal information subjects to do the following: make requests in accordance with the agreement requirements, provide sufficient information to verify the identity (to ensure that the person making the request is the personal information subject himself or herself or its his or her authorized person), and request content shall be specific and executable content.

(3)   Deadline for processing requestsProcessing time limit for requests

We will make every effort to ensure that a response is provided within one month of the personal information subject’s request for access. Considering the complexity and number of requests, this deadline may be extended as necessary. In the event of an extended period of time fordelay in providing information, we will notify the personal information subject of the relevant circumstances and reasons for the delay. If the time limit set forth in this paragraph conflicts with local legal requirements, the local legal requirements shall prevail.

(4)   Result of request

After the request of the personal information subject is put forward requests, there may be several possible results:

1)    Request rejected

In some cases, the request of the personal information subject will be rejected, including but not limited to:

a. When local laws do not grant the personal information subjects the relevant rights;.

b. When the identity of the person making the request cannot be verified;.

c. The request made by the personal information subject cannot be verified or exceeds the scope, especially when the request is repeatedly made;.

d. If the information involved is related to the compensation we will make or receive in the dispute, disclosure of the information is likely to harm our interests;.

e. If the information is retained only for statistical and research purposes, and the publication of statistical and research results does not disclose personal identity;.

f. Other circumstances stipulated by laws.

If we reject the access request of the personal information subjects access request, we will officially explain the reasons to the requester.

2) Request successful

When the situations in 1 does not occur,  we will meet the request of the personal information subject. In order to increase the likelihood of a successful request,  please provide as much detailed information as possible when making the request, such as the type and specific content of the request,  information about the information holder (such as the name of our products and services you are using), and the time frame for information generation or processing (the smaller the time frame, the greater the likelihood of success).

(5) Special statement

1) No one has the right to access the personal information of others, unless they are authorized persons or a guardians.

2) Most legal regulations specify circumstances in which organizations may not provide data to the personal information subjects. These circumstances include situations where providing data would undermine the power to combat terrorism terrorism, where the personal information subjects have has repeatedly applied for multiple times, or where obtaining and providing information would consume disproportionate resources.

3) In principle, we will not provide the following information:

a. Information about other peoplepersons——- The data that the personal information subject wants to obtain through access requests may involve other people persons outside the personal information subject. Unless the individuals involved agree, we will not provide such information.

b. Repeated requests——- The requester is making the same or similar requests for the same personal information subject, and the data has not changed in the past period of time, and we have already provided the data, in which case . In this case. we usually do not provide a copy of the data data again. In addition, we are not obliged to provide information that has already been made public.

c. Opinions given under confidential conditions——-Iif information about the personal information subject is given under confidential conditions, we are not obliged to provide this such information.

d. Special documents—— aAny special information we retain will not be disclosed in response to requests from personal information subjects. Generally speaking, special information includes any confidential documents and information obtained or provided for legal advice (whether it is the litigation itself or information involved in the court proceedings).

2. Withdrawal of consent

You also have the right to withdraw your consent at any time when we process your personal information on the basis of your consent, where required by applicable laws.When applicable laws require it and when we process your personal information based on your consent you also have the right to withdraw your consent at any time. However, the withdrawal ofwithdrawing consent will not affect the legitimacylegality and validity of our processing of your personal information based on your consent prior tobefore the withdrawal, nor will it affect our processing of your personal information based on other appropriate justifications.

Please understand that our services require some basic personal information to be completed. If you withdraw your authorization, we may no longer be able to provide corresponding services based on the personal information you withdraw your authorization or consent for.



VI. Information Pprotection for Minorsminors

We are committed to protecting the personal information of minors who use our products and services. The term “Mminor” in this clause refers to a a personperson under the age of 18. This app App and the services we provide are primarily targeted at adults and are not intended for minors. Without the consent of parents or guardians. , minors should shall not create their own accounts. For information collected from minors without parental consent, we will only use or disclose this information when permitted by law. , with the explicit consent of parents or guardians, or when necessary to protect minors. If we find that we have collected personal information form from minors without prior verifiable parental or guardian consent, we will try to delete the relevant data as soon as possible.



VII. Third-party technology and services

To ensure the stable operation of the app App or to achieve related functions, we may access software development kits (SDKSs) provided by third parties to achieve the aforementioned goals. We will conduct strict audits on the SDKS that our partners use to obtain personal information to protect your personal information security. The relevant third-party SDKs we have access to are listed in the following directoryWe strictly audit the SDKs of our partners that access personal information in order to protect the security of your personal information. The relevant third-party SDKs we access are listed in the following directory.



Inovance INVT does not havehas no control over such third parties, and you can choose whether to access the links links, content content, products products, and services provided by third parties, . Inovance INVT cannot control the privacy or data protection policies of third parties, and such third parties are not bound by this agreementAgreement. Before submitting personal information to a third party pPlease carefully read and refer to the privacy or data protection policies of these such third parties parties before submitting personal information to them. Please note that due to different APP versions such as Android and iOS versions there may be some differences in the third-party SDKSs that are accessed due to different App versions such as Android and iOS versions. Specific differences will be distinguished in the list. In addition, the type of personal information processing may change due to version upgrades, policy adjustments Or or other reasons. Please refer to the official instructions published by the third party for more information.




Purpose of use

Provide information push service for APPpp users

Types of data collected

Device information, Android ID, network information, location information, and application information


VIII. Cross-border transportation of personal information

In principle, personal information collected and generated within the territory of the People's Republic of China will be stored within the territory of the People's Republic of China. As a globally operating company, we provide our products or services through resources and servers around the world, which means that your personal information may be transferred to, or accessed from, foreign jurisdictions outsidein the country or region where you use our products or services after obtaining your authorization and consent.

Such jurisdictions may have different data protection laws or even no relevant laws. In this case, we will take measures to ensure that the data we collect is processedhandled in accordance with this privacy Privacy policy Policy and applicable laws. , and ensure that your personal information is protected in the same way in the country/region where you use the product or service. For example, when transferring your personal information across borders we will obtain your consent and implement security measures such as encryption, de-identification and signing necessary data transfer/sharing agreements with the data recipient before cross-border data transfer.

For example, we obtain your consent for cross-border transfers of your personal information, and we implement security measures such as encryption, de-identification, and signing necessary data transfer/sharing agreements with data recipients prior to cross-border data transfers.


IX. Updates to this Privacy PolicyAgreement

Please note that we may update or revise this privacy Privacy policy Policy from time to time based on changes to the functions, services or personal information processing of this appApp. Any updates or revisions to this privacy Privacy policy Policy will be displayed to you in the form of an announcements. If we make any significant changes to this privacy Privacy policy Policy in accordance withbased on applicable laws and regulations, we will notify you through appropriate channels and obtain your consent again.

The major changes referred to in this article include but are not limited to:

a. There are sSignificant changes in our service model, such as the purpose of processing personal information, the type of personal information processed and the use of personal information.

b. We have undergone sSignificant changes in our ownership structure and organizational structure, etc., such as changes in ownership due to business adjustments, bankruptcy and mergers and acquisitionsbankruptcy mergers and acquisitions, and other changes in ownership;.

c. Changes in The the main objects to which of personal information is provided, transferred or publicly publicly disclosed to the outside world has changed.

d. There are sSignificant changes in your rights to participate in the processing of personal information and the manner in which you exercise them.your rights and how they are exercised in relation to the processing of your personal information;

e. Changes in our contact information and complaint channels;.


X. How to contact us

If you have any questions, comments or suggestions, please contact us through our online customer service, our official website, or submit them to our global offices.

Generally, we will provide a preliminary response within 7 working days and answer your questions within the time specified by laws and regulationslaw. If you are not satisfied with our response, especially if our handling of personal information has infringed on your legal rights, you can also file a complaint or report to the local privacy protection regulatory authority;.

Important notice: Due to differences in local laws and languages, the local language version of the User Privacy Agreement may differ from this version. In the event of any conflict, the local language version shall prevail.